vendredi 4 janvier 2008

L'abreuvoir de Chantemerle

A travers les siècles
Over centuries

5 commentaires:

enig a dit…

i'm always amazed by how the scale seems so much greater in the old pictures, not just a question of where the lens is in relation to the subject

Lilly a dit…

Great comparison, interesting post.

Neva a dit…

I love the little red dog coat!!! too fun. The kids look like they are having fun!

Joy a dit…

Isn't it amazing sometimes how certain places don't change much over the centuries? Nice photos!

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and for your wonderful comments. Sorry if I wasn't able to visit you sooner - very very busy house hunting! Do visit again!

The Goddess In You
Norwich Daily Photo
Your Love Coach

ana a dit…

wow...this is amazing. I love this kind of comparison.