jeudi 15 octobre 2009

Les grues sont de retour



L'hiver pointe le bout du nez, gelées nocturnes et grues en migration. Les cormorans se mettent à imiter les grues et volent en V.

Winter knocks at our door, morning frosts and the cranes are migrating southwards. Great cormorants fly as cranes in V.
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2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

The "V" formation of geese is one of my fondest memories from my childhood. In those days the geese would fly, very high, over our village in the Fall or Autumn as they went south for the winter where it is warmer. Then in the spring they would return over our house going north to their summer breeding grounds. Now, we have a lot of geese who stay here all winter and life for them and for us is not the same as it was.

This is nice photography and is a reminder of my childhood days.

GMG a dit…

Bonjour Daniel! Me voici de retour, comme les grues, après une absence plus longue que je ne le désirais… ;-(
Belles photos!!
Blogtrotter se promène encore en Turquie. Amuse-toi et aie un magnifique week-end!