vendredi 2 octobre 2009

Ciel vendredi 2 octobre matin


Ciel et reflet sur le lac Amance vendredi matin

Sky reflection on the lake Amance this morning.

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7 commentaires:

Gwendolyn L a dit…

I liked your picture. Thanks for sharing.

Yogi♪♪♪ a dit…

Great picture.

Jane Hards Photography a dit…

That is a simply astonishing reflection.

magiceye a dit…

absolutely gorgeous!

Corner Gardener Sue a dit…

My niece and I are enjoying skies from all over the world, and she chose France as our next stop, and we enjoyed your photo!

Niina a dit…

Wow, what a reflection! Amazing! And thanks for visiting my blog! Take care! =)

Linda a dit…

Beautiful shot. I hope you didn't have anywhere urgent to go - it would have been so tempting just to linger and take in the scene.