jeudi 5 mars 2009

Coucher de soleil lac Amance



Jeudi soir sur et autour du lac Amance.

Sunset on the lake Amance.

More Sky Watch Friday on
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11 commentaires:

Guy D a dit…

Brilliant. That first photo is definately one of my favourites so far this week.

Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures

Suffeli kuvailee a dit…

have a nice weekend :)

Lene a dit…

Wonderful photos :) And as Guy I just love the first one :)

Carol a dit…

Two beautiful that tree line...very pretty sunsets...

Photo Cache a dit…

simply beautiful.

Bryan a dit…

C'est un beau coucher de soleil.

Arija a dit…

Superb SkyWatch photos with magnificent colour.

Jane Hards Photography a dit…

I cannot choose between the two, both so beautiful.

Tom a dit…

Oh! these are beautiful....


Wiggers World

GMG a dit…

Bonjour Daniel!
Excuse mon absence, mais j’ai été dehors la blogosphère ces dernières semaines! J’essaye maintenant de récupérer les merveilles perdues…
Et bien sûr les coucher de soleil sont superbes!
La leçon de marche est très amusante, mais je ne crois pas que je vais l'essayer maintemant... ;)
Entretemps, le dernier des beaux Forts de Jaipur t’attend à Blogtrotter: Le Fort Nahargarh! Amuse-toi et bonne semaine!

Tarolino a dit…

These are wonderful shots - both of them.
In the first one I love the soldierly trees that all stand in a very straight line and in the second the sky has an amazing colour.

Commiserations on loosing your long time furry companion. It hurts. He/she is now an angel in the sky somewhere on the rainbow bridge. You did what you had to do.

You are like me. Unable to live without a dog and I would too have got a new one quite soon to fill the void. And boy does a puppy do just that. So also congratulations on your new family member. One never replaces the other but you are now on a new journey of discovery with the little one.