lundi 29 septembre 2008

Lundi bleu raisin et chardon

Bleu comme un lundi. Comme des raisins d'une vigne vierge ou ce chardon dans un pré.
Blue Monday. Do you see the blue in the fruit of this wild wineyard or on the fruit of this thistle ?
Blue Monday photos sont visibles, may be seen on Sally's blog

9 commentaires:

SmilingSally a dit…

What a good photographer you are to get such clear shots of blue in nature. Happy Blue Monday!

Susan Hickam a dit…

What wonderful photos you shared with us today! Thank you. I really enjoyed them. Happy Blue Monday from Lawrence Kansas U.S.A.

Barbara H. a dit…


Sweetie a dit…

Happy Blue Monday. I love the blue shots.

Cathy a dit…

Great pictures of blue things ~

Anonyme a dit…

Great photos. Happy Blue Monday!

Coloradolady a dit…

lovely blue monday pictures. Really enjoyed them.

Mojo a dit…

At first I thought that first shot was blueberries... they're grapes? Whatever they are, they make a very striking photo.

Grandma Faith a dit…

Your photos are very nice. Thanks for sharing them on Blue Monday. take care.