mardi 3 juin 2008

Les colonnes toscanes du proche de l'église

T comme toscanes, les colonnes de l'église de Radonvilliers.
Trois vues, début du 20ème siècle, aquarelle de Isabelle Gatto-Sandri et aujourd'hui.
ABC wednesday, T as "toscanes", the pillars of the church.
Three pics, a postcard from the beginning o the 20th century, a water coloured drawing of Isabelle Gatto-Sandri and today.

14 commentaires:

Petunia a dit…

Lovely photos and water coloured drawing:)

Petunia's ABC

Leslie: a dit…

Beautiful shots. :D

Texas Travelers a dit…

I love the 3 different styles.
Thanks for sharing.

The Tide has Turned in Texas.
Come visit,
Troy and Martha

Anonyme a dit…

Very beautiful photos.

Neva a dit…

very the post card.
ine is up here and here.

Unknown a dit…

Great to see then and now shots, and a beautiful watercolour.

Bodge's Bulletin

Bergson a dit…

superbe aquarelle
même les fleurs n'ont pas boupé d'un poil

Reader Wil a dit…

De belles photos! Je pense que l'aquarelle de Isabelle Gatto-Sandri est superbe!Merci!

Jane Hards Photography a dit…

Lovely images, all styles

Lynette a dit…

Beautiful post for your ABC Wednesday.

Tom a dit…

A great post.. love the painting

André Lemay a dit…

I love these; which program are you using?

André Lemay a dit…

I should have asked what software do you used for your photo management.

stromsjo a dit…

The drawing is nice but I prefer your photo since you got some people in it as well.