lundi 10 mars 2008

Le pont et les rives de la rivière Amance

La rivière Amance sépare le centre du village du hameau de Chantemerle. Sur la rive gauche se trouve un grand champ avec près du pont la maison du brandvinier qui une fois par an procède à la distillation des liqueurs de fruits avec un alambic chauffé au bois. Ce champ verra dans quelques temps la construction d'une trentaine de maisons ( le projet OPAC).
The river Amance is between the center of the village and the hamlet of Chantemerle. On its left bank is a big field with close to the bridge the "house of the brandvinman" who once a year makes alcohol from the fruits with his "alambic" (still) heated by wood logs. In this field 30 houses are going to be built (see the project OPAC).

4 commentaires:

Bergson a dit…

trente maisons le bourg va s'agrandir .
j'espère que la distillation perdurera.
au moins jusqu'à tes prochaines photos

Michele a dit…

Beautiful and magnificent are the colours in the photos! So bright and cheerful. What a wonderful place to be. I am amazed how pretty it is. Thank you for visiting my blog today.
The Rocky Mountain Retreat

stromsjo a dit…

Ah, one should stop by at least once a year then and taste the freshly brewed stuff... ;)

Annie a dit…

How lovely that there is someone nearby who gathers the fruits of the fields and concocts some wonderful spirits for you (I hope) to enjoy. And how beautiful the scenery there, all the better for sitting and enjoying the drink.