mardi 26 février 2008

L'église avec ou sans clocher

M Buscaglia a légué à la commune de Radonvilliers sa maquette de l'église avant la destruction du clocher en 1917.
Des cartes postales retracent l'évolution de l'église jusqu'à aujourd'hui.
M. Buscaglia has given to the City hall of Radonvilliers his scale model of the church with its spike as it was before it burnt in 1917.
Some postcards show the modification of the church up till today.

2 commentaires:

Annie a dit…

Ah, you have found another facsimile to add to the photographs you compare. This three-dimensional model is quite nice to see alongside the two-dimensional photos.

Tom a dit…

More great comparison shots. I'd jhappy you found my resent two posts of interest.. for you to comment pleased me. I always like the posts you do with history mixed in.